Do you Know What Causes Bloating?

Woman bloated - read how to avoid bloating

Do you Know What Causes Bloating?

The first thing you should know is that bloating is very common, causing not only discomfort but can cause confidence issues particularly when you don't look and feel like yourself.

The most common cause of feeling bloating can when we have eaten a big meal, however in most cases this tends to go down once fully digested.

 Unfortunately, some suffer bloating all the time this can be due to:

  • Constipation – You may need to add more fibre to your diet, this can speed up the process to help get rid of the bloat, however only in small amounts as it can also make the problem worse. Gasses can be trapped behind faeces which can cause bloating. If constipation is something you suffer with regularly you could also try a colon cleaner, check out
  • Swallowing air (from talking while eating etc) 
  • Food intolerance – The most common foods that can cause a food intolerance can be wheat, gluten and dairy. If you suspect that this is your problem then try cutting the offending food item from your diet for at least 6 weeks, see more information about Food Intolerance here You can also try keeping a food diary keeping notes of the foods and any symptoms. Do not get rid of whole food groups long-term without advice from your GP. 
  • Coeliac disease – This is the most common digestive condition where your intestine can’t absorb gluten found in wheat, barley and rye. Coeliac disease is more serious than intolerance and can not only cause bloating but when you eat gluten your immune system attacks your own tissues damaging your gut so you’re unable to absorb nutrients. If you have been diagnosed with Coeliac disease, eating gluten-containing foods can give you diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fatigue and many more symptoms.

 If you suspect you may have Coeliac Disease then please consult your GP.

 There is no cure for Coeliac disease but, once the condition has been diagnosed, switching to a gluten-free diet should help.

  •  Irritable bowel syndrome – The most complained about symptom if you have IBS is bloating, particularly in the evening.

The cause of IBS is unknown but has been linked to things like food passing through your gut too quickly or too slowly, oversensitive nerves in your gut, stress and a family history of IBS. 

  • Not drinking enough water – When you don’t drink enough water your body will use any liquids it can find, which can then cause bloating due to water retention. Try and drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day.


bloating due to no drinking enough water

 Stress – In some people stress can slow down digestion which can cause bloating, discomfort and constipation, however in others, it can speed it up causing diarrhoea. For tips to manage stress see 

  • Carbohydrates – Eating too many carbs can cause bloating, to combat this try eating low-carb food and replace sugar and alcohol with vegetables and fruit.

Understanding carbohydrates

Simple Carbs 

Simple carbs are sugars some of which can occur naturally in milk. However, most simple carbs are added to foods.

Common simple carbs added to foods include:

raw sugar

brown sugar

corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup

glucose, fructose, and sucrose

fruit juice concentrate

Simple carbs you should avoid to reduce your bloating


Baked goods

Packaged biscuits/cookies

Fruit Juice concentrate

Breakfast cereals

Sugary soda is bad for your health in several ways. You can try water flavoured with lemon instead.


Complex Carbs


Eat less simple carbs and more complex carbs to avoid the bloat


Complex carbs have more nutrients than simple carbs, higher in fibre and digests more slowly. Making them more filling which is not only good for your bloating but weight control too.

Fibre and starch are the two types of complex carbohydrates. Fibre is particularly important as it encourages bowel regularity and can help control cholesterol.

Complex carbs you should eat more of:

  1. Whole grains

Whole grains are a great source of fibre, as well as potassium, magnesium, and selenium. Eat less processed whole grains such as quinoa, buckwheat, and whole-wheat pasta. 

  1. Fibre-rich fruits

Some of these are apples, berries, and bananas. Avoid tinned fruit since it usually contains added syrup. 

  1. Fibre-rich vegetables

Eat more of all your veggies, including broccoli, leafy greens, and carrots. 

  1. Beans

Aside from fibre, these are good sources of folate, iron, and potassium.


Recommend products to help with the bloat


COL-CLEAR B V2 – Colon Cleanser








If your bloating symptoms persist, consult your GP to rule out a more serious condition.

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